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Kid x Rowdie
Kid is 12.5" Rowdie is 15.5"
Born Feb 15th
Ready to go April 12th
This is a repeat cross,
expecting puppies to mature between 12-16" depending on the pup
These puppies are registered ASDR
Rowdie is an all time favorite here. She has a big bold disposition and is producing it with her babies. She is also one of my favorites to show bc of her flawless flowing movement. Kid has been an outstanding sire and out produces himself time and time again. These puppies are full siblings to Susan, Carlos and Karen.
(530) 513 -3569
1 RBF, 1 BMF, 3BMM and 1 RBM

Rowdie RBF
Pet Price: $1200
Congratulations to the Martins!!
Rowdie BMF
So happy for you Sarah! Congrats on your FOURTH Rustic Lace baby! She is perfect!

Rowdie BMM #1
Congrats to the Schubert's on your 2nd Rustic Lace baby!
Rowdie BMM #2
Thank you for choosing Rustic Lace again Megan!

Rowdie BMM #3
Congrats to the Charles family! Thank you for choosing us again! We loved visiting with you!
Rowdie RBM
Pet Price: $1000
Amber Eyes and ready to go! This boy is already doing fantastic in a crate overnight! Pm for info!

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